Another awesome week in Kraków, it was a fairly normal week so this might not be the best email ever but here we go!
The Cathedral in the Salt Mines |
So Wednesday I got to go up to Warsaw to do legal work, we got up early to do it which was pretty lame but basically I had a train at about 8 and so Elder Wynne and I went to the Train Station and met the senior couple and the sisters there, then Sister Allowitz and I got on the train and everyone else went out and did normal missionary work. I pretty much slept the whole train ride up there and back, we were on an express train so it only took about 2 and a half hours. When we got there the office elders: Elder Wilcox and Elder Richens met us and then we waited for Elder Little to get off his train then we all went to the Urzęd (I think that's what it's called) it was basically a government building. We went in and had to finish up some paperwork then took turns doing legal work. This entailed me sitting there and waiting for the lady to enter a bunch of stuff into her computer. We finished that up then got on another train going back to Kraków and got in around 18.
Everything was carved by three miners |
On Thursday we had our first sit down meeting with a lady named Anna, we met her while tracting last week and she is pretty cool. She is about 50 years old and she has a daughter named Kasia who is about 30 and is physically/mentally handicapped so she lives at home. We taught her about the Restoration and it went really well. She had a tough time accepting that Adam and Eve coudn't have children in the garden of eden so we basically told her to read the scriptures and pray about it. The lesson was super long (like an hour and a half) but it was amazing Anna is really cool.
St. Mary's Cathedral on the Rynek |
Saturday something really interesting happened, to fully appreciate this story I need to go back to Monday. On Monday while we were solo contacting in the park I talked to a couple Jehovah's Witnesses, they were very nice we had a really entertaining conversation and we ended up exchanging names and numbers, they had to leave after like 20 minutes because they were on their way to go proselyte. So on Saturday during Weekly Planning we had just made brownies and were an hour into our planning session when our Domaphone rings (its the intercom thing) Elder Wynne answers it and the conversation went something like this:
Elder Wynne in a hole |
JW: "Hello, we are Jehowah's Witnesses and we are looking for Foreigners to share our message with (they were assigned to proselyte in English)"
Elder Wynne: "Awesome, we're actually Mormon Missionaries from America!"
JW: "Wait... is this Everett?"
So we of course let them come up and we talked with them we offered them brownies and ended up having like an hour long lesson with them. It was awesome. Jehowah's Witnesses are actually becoming one of my favorite people to contact on the street because they are usually so nice.
A Cobra |
So we didn't get to meet with Marcin this week because he got sick but hopefully we will be able to set up with him for next week... fingers crossed.
Alright, that's about it for this week!
Starszy Everett
View from a really tall building we were tracting |
Really cool church near our house |
The Cobra factory on P-Day |
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