SO sorry about missing last week, I'll try and make this weeks letter extra good to make up for it.
So we started off the week with an action packed P-Day.We went to Ogrodzieniec again and played Capture the Flag. It was amazing. Afterwards we had FHE and played Rook with the YSA, it was a little miracle because Jan came. Jan is a member who was baptised about a year ago, he hasn't been to church in a while and we always try to get him there because we see him all the time. He is an Alcoholic and a heavy smoker so I think he feels bad coming to church, but it was honestly a miracle that he came to FHE, speaking of which: Jan is a big fan of Native Americans, which is cool because Grandpa Tebbs had that Indian Store, so I talked to him about that for a while.
We were planning on having our investigator Tomasz at FHE but he couldn't make it, hopefully he comes tonight because we also have a lesson with him right beforehand.
So Tuesday we had a mini miracle happen. We got contacted on the street by some drunkish guy. We talked to him mostly because he had a car, which means he isn't homeless. We proceeded to have a super spiritual discussion with him about the Atonement after he told us he was an Alcoholic and that his wife was too and how much he had messed up his life. It was really powerful actually. We have yet to meet with him again because he keeps on rescheduling.

On Wednesday we met with a couple in the chapel. Their names were Nina and Michał and they were really cool. Nina had some problems with Women not being able to have the priesthood and our ideas of marriage. She is a firm believer than Men and Women dont need to get married and that marriage is made from Men and not from God. We gave them Books of Mormon and they are going to Read and Pray then after 2 weeks meet with us again (their idea) except Nina said she wont pray. But Michał agreed to pray.
On Thursday we had Zone Conference which was awesome, we talked a lot about contacting and better ways to do it. Then we went out and practiced, I was in the group assigned to do transportation contacting... it is fitting because I hate that. It is the most awkward situation to talk to people in Busses and Trams, i dont know why but it is. It was a really good experience though. We talked to the Swolldier about working out then shared a little bit about who we were as missionaries.
Friday we met this really cool family. Their names are Darek, Edyta, and Kuba and they were soo cool. We are supposed to call tonight to set up for either tomorrow or the next day. Im super excited because we have been spending a lot of time out in the edge of the city trying to find families with little success, but finally we have found a family.
Saturday there was this family history event put on by the Branch. It was cool because the missionaries had 0 participation. Which in Poland is amazing, usually the missionaries do everything. But we have been trying to get the Members to be more involved in doing their own events. It was really cool and a good experience.
So Sunday was just a normal day of Church then contacting, but at church I heard a really intersting story. I was talking to a member named Teresa and she mentioned she had been on TV once. I asked her why and she said to tell a story about her cousin. She told me the story, it is actually kinda disturbing but here I go. So she had a cousin who was taking care of his parents. His Dad was missing all of his fingers and his Mom was mentally ill. Then for some reason that she didn't explain very well, some guy that he knew murdered him. I think the guy got away with it but everyone knew that he murdered her cousin. A couple years later while Teresa was at her cousins grave, she met the Girlfriend of the murderer of her cousin (not sure why she was there) Apparently the Murderer got run over by a train and was now a quadruple amputee. Basically the moral of the story was that God is sprawiedliwy* (not sure what a good translation is) and that he will always make things right. It was a really weird story.
Anyways, thats it for this week, love you and talk to you next week!
-Starszy Everett
* one translation of this word is "fair and square"
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