Big news! I'm staying in Kraków for the 5th transfer (really
4th, but I'm counting the month I was with Elder Jackson and Vance). Elder
Schwanke came down from Warsaw to be my companion, it's funny because he did
the same thing I did last transfer, he was companions with Elder Cowley as
Warsaw ZL then made the migration down to Kraków to be ZL here. I really like
Elder Schwanke, he is 2 transfers older than me, so he came into the country
with Elder Vance and Jackson. It was sad to see Elder Mulder leave, but I think
this transfer will be really good despite that.
So rewinding back to last week I'll talk about some of the
people that we met with. We met with Piotrek, we had already met with him
before back when I was with Elder Owens and he seemed really interested, we
took the time to really explain why the Book of Mormon is important to receiving an answer about whether the church is true. He agreed to read it and
pray about it, but not until he finishes some other books he has been planning
on reading :-| He said he wants to read a couple catholic books about some of
the saints (he isn't even catholic). We are going to meet with him in a couple
weeks after he gets back from vacation somewhere.
![]() |
The District plus Alex |
We also met with Michał who is one of our English students,
we met with him before English and watched the Restoration film. Then after
English he invited us to his house to meet his brother and brother's wife. It
was super cool, and his family is really nice. It was awesome.
We met a couple times with Sassan, our friend from Iran.
Elder Mulder and I met with him once and we were planning on teaching the Plan
of Salvation, but we got sidetracked and ended up teaching him about how the
church is organized into Stakes and Wards. Then yesterday I met with him with
Elder Dalton after Elder Mulder left Kraków and before Elder Schwanke got here.
We taught the Plan of Salvation, it was the most in depth Plan of Salvation I
have ever taught. He kept having questions about how everything worked, I was
lucky enough to have Elder Dalton with me, who knows much more about everything
than I do, who could answer some of the deeper questions. Sassan is doing well.
On Sunday we had an interesting impromptu lesson after
church. One of our eternal investigators who we normally don't meet with stayed
after and we had a hall discussion for about 30 minutes about God and how we
can obtain spiritual knowledge. He did not want to accept that we can know that
something is true by receiving confirmations from the Spirit. We ended up
roping in our Branch President and one of the YSA and turning it into a group
discussion. It was really good and the spirit was really strong, we ended up
inviting him to do this: next time he is in church and he has a good feeling
about something someone says (we identified that as the spirit) he is supposed
to say a quick prayer and pay attention to how he feels. We told him if he
feels that feeling magnify, that is the spirit confirming the truth of what is
said. Hopefully he follows through on that commitment and is baptized.
On Friday we went out to visit a potential investigator that
Elder Mulder and I had tracted a week earlier. Her name is Alicja, and when we
went back to visit her she invited us in and we taught both her and her husband
Robert about the Restoration. They were super interested, Alicja kept saying
"I'll confess, the Mormon religion really appeals to me" and
hopefully next time we will be able to get their ~17 yo son to join in on the
lesson. Really solid family.
Yesterday, after Elder Schwanke got in we went back to the
apartment to drop off his bags before we went tracting when we noticed that
Elder Dalton had left his phone there when they picked us up to take us to the
train station earlier that day. So we called him and he said he would come by
to pick it up. While we were waiting for him I did some calls to
potentials/former investigators and Elder Schwanke unpacked a little bit. After
about an hour of that I ended up calling a man named Artur and he said he had
time to meet right then. So we got ready to go and left, and told Elder Dalton
that we would drop it off at the Chapel later. We went and taught him, and it
was awesome he was super interested and we are planning on meeting again this
week. Also we got Elder Dalton back his phone.
On Saturday we had our "Culture Night" and we went
to see the Kraków Philharmonic orchestra, they were way good.
Thats it for this week! I'll try to send more pictures next
week, I made a transfer goal to do that. This week it didn't help that when we
visited Michał's house I forgot my bag so I didn't have my planner or camera or
anything from Wednesday to Friday.
Love you!
-Elder Everett
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